The work plan of the sector for supervision in 2018-2019

No. Surveillance activities do tel Time Budget $
1 The development plan for the BOOK, hiring and training
1.1. Development of a detailed annual work plan for supervision H, SN members June 2018. 0
1.2. Preparation of a plan of visits to the sites and approval H, SN members June 2018. 0
2 Collecting data on grants
2.1. Request from the PR and analyze dashboards of indicators from the PRS for the first half of 2018 The Secretariat September 2018. 0
2.2. To request reports on the activities of the organizations implementing projects in the field of HIV and TB The Secretariat October 2018.
2.3. Monitoring and viewing reports on the implementation of grants in KR on the web site of the global Fund to identify reviews and comments of the LFA and the global Fund regarding the implementation of grants in the country. The Secretariat if necessary 0
3 Data collection through field visits (site visits)
3.1. A meeting of the sector on supervision at year-end SN July 2018. 0
3.2. Approval of the plan site visits and a list of acstico on the Committee XOS SN July 2018. 0
3.3. Organization of the logistics of the field visits, at the request of KN The Secretariat According to plan trips 0
3.4. Implementation of site visits according to the approved plan trips SN April-July 2018. ???
3.5. Field visits and meetings with PRS and SRS for grant implementation by other monogamy SN April-July 2018. ???
3.6. Presentation of report, discussion and action on the issues identified SN August 2018. ???
4 Gathering information about grants
4.1. To hear representatives of the PR or SR at a meeting of the sector for supervision about problems, difficulties and obstacles SN September 2018. ???
4.2. Hiring technical experts SN If necessary ???
4.3. Work and individual meetings with staff from ministries, agencies, local authorities or partner organisations that can be involved in the important issues, problems and eliminating obstacles. Coordinate nator SN If necessary ???
4.4. To identify and track any issues and problems identified by the LFA-om during the visits by the MAF-and the venue for data verification SN During the year 0
4.5. To conduct unannounced site visits to identify problems in the implementation SN If necessary ???
5 Analytical work to address the identified problems and obstacles, solutions
5.1. Analysis dashboard and other data sources containing information about grant activities or the work OR (expert) SN, experts September 2018. 0
5.3. The meeting of the Committee of CSOS reports on dashboard Dashboard for each grant and making decisions to resolve issues SN October 2018. ???
6 Actions to resolve problems and remove obstacles
6.1. An extraordinary meeting of the Committee of KSOS SN, the Secretariat If necessary 0
6.2. Discussion at the meeting of the Committee of KSOS solutions to the identified problems CSOS During the year ???
6.3. Consideration of appeals in the oversight SN If necessary
7 Reporting
7.1. Report on the activities of the sector for supervision at the meeting of CSOS SN July 2019. 0