15 Dec 2017. a meeting of the Sector for proposals and the meeting of the Committee

15 декабря 2017г. состоялось заседание Сектора по подготовке заявок и заседание Комитета
15 декабря 2017г. состоялось заседание Сектора по подготовке заявок и заседание Комитета

15 Dec 2017. a meeting of the Sector for proposals and the meeting of the Committee on HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria in CSOS RCC. The meeting was considered redesigned in collaboration with national partners and members of the Working group on TB component budget for 6 months of 2018., as it was informed that previously sent the draft budget has not been approved by the Global Fund. In connection with changes in the budget for the 1st half of 2018. was finalized the documents of the main applications for 2.5 years, including a request for counterpart funding and the application in excess of the allocated amount.

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