Gender aspects in the detection and treatment of tuberculosis

Гендерные аспекты в выявлении и лечении туберкулеза
Гендерные аспекты в выявлении и лечении туберкулеза
Although men in Kyrgyzstan are more likely to suffer from tuberculosis, women are more susceptible to manifestations of stigma and discrimination from relatives and the environment. This is evidenced by the results of various studies. There are barriers in obtaining medical services that negatively affect patients' adherence to tuberculosis treatment and prevent effective detection of the disease among women.

During the implementation of the USAID project "Support for Tuberculosis patients", a lot of experience has been accumulated in communicating with both patients and their environment. Employees and volunteers of the project in Naryn and Jalal-Abad regions met to share their experience, identify existing gender barriers and jointly develop a further strategy for working with TB patients. Such meetings are held regularly in order to develop concrete steps that will help improve the detection of tuberculosis and increase women's adherence to treatment.

Read other news of the project at the link:

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