International Day of Remembrance of People Who Died of HIV/AIDS.

Международный день памяти людей, умерших от ВИЧ/СПИДа.
On the initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Day of Remembrance of People Who Died of HIV is held annually on the third Sunday of May/AIDS.

In 2022, the World Day of Remembrance of People who Died of AIDS is held under the motto "WE remember! WE are acting! WE are more than HIV!"
The theme of the day emphasizes the importance of understanding all aspects of #HIV infection concerning the life of both each person and society as a whole. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the willingness and desire to resist the further spread of HIV infection. This is an opportunity to think about yourself and your loved ones, to honor the memory of those who left, to do everything to understand people living with HIV.
#Day of Memory #15maya #HIV
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