Together with partners, UNAIDS and UNDP/GEF continue to develop a mobile application for PLHIV

Совместно с партнерами, ЮНЕЙДС и ПРООН/ ГФ продолжают разработку мобильного приложения для ЛЖВ
Совместно с партнерами, ЮНЕЙДС и ПРООН/ ГФ продолжают разработку мобильного приложения для ЛЖВ
The UNDP/Global Fund project, UNAIDS and the Partner Network Association are developing a mobile application on HIV. Its goal is to provide accessible information about HIV prevention, testing and treatment.

What has been done so far:

- preliminary structure

- content part

- map and interactive elements

- - school of patients in audio version

- video and content visualization elements

Upon completion of the application development, testing is planned among key groups. A country launch is planned approximately on May 20.

Read about our mobile application for PLHIV: kyrgyzstan/ru/home/presscenter/pressreleases/2020/12/mobile-app-for-hiv.html

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