On January 22, 2021, an extraordinary meeting of the KSEZ Committee was held

22 января 2021 года состоялось внеочередное заседание Комитета КСОЗ

On January 22, 2021, an extraordinary meeting of the CSO Committee was held to discuss the risks of optimizing the public health service and the impact on the provision of services for PLHIV and key groups, and the financing of HIV programs by international partners. So, according to the Deputy Minister of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. N.T. Usenbaev. currently, the healthcare system is undergoing reforms, optimization of public health services, since the existing structure has not covered all the problems associated with ensuring the country's security system, there is no unified information system base for risk assessment and management, standards for the effective functioning of interdepartmental systems, emergency response mechanisms that ensure safety have not been developed, the system of rapid response and supply of vaccines and other consumables has not been developed. The task of optimization is to improve the provision of services, improve funding from the state. However, according to a number of representatives of the civil sector, as well as the Supervisory Board at the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic, this optimization does not take into account such issues as which institution the laboratory will be transferred to, who will be engaged in the procurement of viral load tests, where the REAG services will be received. As a result of heated discussions, it was decided to send letters to the Office of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with a request to initiate an emergency meeting of the EPC to discuss this issue.

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