On June 30, 2020, the next online meeting of the KSEZ Committee was held

30 июня 2020 года состоялось очередное онлайн заседание Комитета КСОЗ
30 июня 2020 года состоялось очередное онлайн заседание Комитета КСОЗ

On June 30, 2020, a regular online meeting of the KSE Committee was held to hear information from the UNDP/GF Project on savings. It was noted that the amount of savings amounted to 603 thousand US dollars. The UNDP/GF project proposed to allocate these funds for the purchase of IMN (syringes, napkins, condoms) and methadone for the 2021 buffer. In addition, within the framework of the approved Plan for the adaptation of HIV and TB services, to conclude additional agreements with Sub-recipients in the amount of 150 thousand US dollars, to repair the fluorograph in the OOCBT and to purchase a digital fluorograph for the State Penitentiary Service. However, during the discussions it was noted that the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic voiced the need to purchase a CT scanner for the needs of the country. Thus, the members of the KSE Committee decided to instruct the UNDP/GF Project to calculate the cost of purchasing a tomograph and the timing of its delivery to the country. If the procurement process does not meet the deadline before the completion of the project, leave the proposals of the UNDP/GF Project in force.

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