On-site training for members of the Committee CSOS in Cholpon-ATA on June 29-30 2017

Выездной тренинг для членов Комитета КСОЗ в г. Чолпон-Ата с 29-30 июня 2017 года
​Согласно календарному плану работ Комитета КСОЗ 29-30 июня в г. Чолпон-Ата проходит выездное обучения для членов Комитета КСОЗ.

According to the calendar plan of work of the Committee of KSOS June 29-30 in the city of Cholpon-ATA is away training for the members of the Committee XOS.

The aim of the training is to increase the capacity of members and alternatives of the Committee of CSOS on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in the area of work organization, coordination, management, monitoring and evaluation activities in the field of HIV and TB in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and approved procedures, internal rules, regulations of the Committee.

Training objectives:

1. To provide a brief analysis of the situation and analysis of the response to the epidemic of HIV and TB in the Kyrgyz Republic

2. Learn the history of formation and development of the state policy in the field of HIV infection and its coordination mechanism in the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. To give an overview of the main documents, requirements and approaches of the main donor – the Global Fund to fight HIV /AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by the country coordinating mechanism, its aims, objectives and financing its activities.

4. Learn the rules and internal procedures of the coordinating Council for public health under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (CSOS) and the Committee on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in CSOS.

5. To elaborate the procedure of election of members of the Committee, excluding the conflict of interests of both members and alternatives of the Committee of KSOS.

6. To discuss the development of partnerships and the role of sectors (public, civil, private) to the work of the Committee of CSOS on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

7. To develop a plan of action of the Committee of KSOS for 2017.

8. Prepare recommendations for needed steps and need technical assistance to further enhance the capacity of members and alternatives of the Committee of KSOS.

Expected results of the training:

1. Participants will receive information about the structure, purposes, tasks, basic functions and working methods of CSOS and CSOS Committee on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
2. The members and alternate members of the Committee of CSOS will increase capacity on joint activities for the coordination of the national response to HIV, tuberculosis and malaria; and the development of applications and
to oversee the implementation of activities under the national programs on HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
3. Participants will develop a work plan of the Committee of KSOS for 2017.

Coaches are Bashmakova L. N. Isakov and T. A.

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