AFEW and Aidsfonds remind about the acceptance of applications to the Operational Assistance Fund by

AFEW и Aidsfonds напоминают о приеме заявок в Фонд оперативной помощи ключевым сообществам региона В
AFEW и Aidsfonds напоминают о приеме заявок в Фонд оперативной помощи ключевым сообществам региона ВЕЦА
AFEW International and Aidsfonds remind you about accepting applications to the Operational Assistance Fund for Key Communities in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region (EECA). The Foundation's activities are funded by the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

Due to the current situation, it is possible to apply for community needs related to COVID-19.

Affordable financing.

To achieve the ultimate goal, the Foundation plans to support 80-100 organizations in the EECA countries by providing small grants during 2019-2020. The maximum amount of one grant is 5,000 euros. In exceptional cases, an application can be submitted up to 10,000 euros.The EECA Operational Assistance Fund for Key Population Groups started its work on December 1, 2018. The total amount of available financing is the amount in euros, which is equivalent to 750,000 British pounds. The Fund will carry out its activities until the specified amount is exhausted. The preliminary term of the Fund is two years.

More detailed information on the link

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