On September 27, an extraordinary meeting of the KSOZ Committee was held

27 сентября состоялось внеочередное заседание Комитета КСОЗ
27 сентября состоялось внеочередное заседание Комитета КСОЗ
On September 27, an extraordinary meeting of the Committee on HIV / AIDS, TB and Malaria was held to discuss plans to create a Working Group to prepare a country application for the next funding period 2021-2023. In addition, information was presented by the Principal Recipient on reprogramming of the saved funds of the current grant for the HIV component. During the discussion, the members of the KSOZ Committee unanimously supported the decision to use the saved funds for the construction of 2 warehouse premises of the Republican AIDS Center for storing medical devices and drugs, repair of the sequencer and data validation.

During the meeting, the results of the recent UNAIDS modeling Optima to optimize resources to improve the HIV response in the Kyrgyz Republic were heard. Several scenarios were proposed to achieve the maximum effect with the available funding, taking into account the allocation of resources by components (OST, NSP, treatment and care, testing and prevention among CGN, as well as the general population, PMTCT, etc.).

The meeting also presented an Action Plan to overcome legal barriers to access to HIV and TB services in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2019-2021.
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