What PrEP do we need it people?

Что такое PrEP и нужен ли он кыргызстанцам?
Что такое PrEP и нужен ли он кыргызстанцам?

You've probably heard about prep or PrEP, however, materials on the subject quite a few in the Russian Internet. In this article we will examine basic concepts about how to protect themselves from HIV in advance, i.e., before the onset of sexual contact.

Prep (pre-exposure prophylaxis) or PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) — an innovative method of HIV prevention, which shows good efficiency results worldwide. Its essence lies in taking regular antiretroviral tablets a man with an HIV-negative result to reduce the risk of HIV transmission via sexual route.

PrEP is taken in combined form, usually administered tenofovir (TDF, 300 mg) and emtricitabine (FTC, 200 mg). Thus, PrEP is a combination taking one pill a day. The world health organization (who) released recommendations on the use of PrEP as additional protection to HIV-negative people who are at risk of transmission in 2015.

Why PrEP?

Indeed, there are other and more common methods of HIV prevention. For example, the use of male and female condom along with a lube/grease that provides protection from HIV, other STIs and unwanted pregnancy. This method is often called the “triple protection” due to the above-described level of security.

However, studies show that LGBT couples often neglect to use condoms because of the “decline of pleasure” bad experience “slipping” and “low quality of some products,” which reduces their attractiveness. In some cases, there is “fatigue” from condoms when the community simply do not use condoms. In this case, PrEP can be output. However, it is important to remember that the who and other reputable organizations recommend to take drugs in combination with condoms and lubricants for the best protection.

The facts about PrEP

  • Reception PrEP on a daily basis safe. The results of the experiments revealed significant contraindications to the present day;
  • PrEP works if you take it constantly. Studies show that people with high adherence to medications is observed significantly high level of protection from HIV than those who demonstrate low levels of commitment;
  • PrEP suitable cisgender and transgender women and men. Drugs require more time to establish protection in vaginal tissue than in colorectal and to enhance the effect cisgender and transgender women need to adhere strictly to the regimen of medicines
  • PrEP does not protect against sexually transmitted infections and from unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, the best protection against HIV and STIs would be the combined use PrEP with condoms and appropriate lubricants.

Ilya Zhukov — activist and expert in the field of HIV tells how to PrEP saved him from constant fear of HIV:

The availability of PrEP each person individually, and the gay community in General, the long-awaited freedom from the constant (or periodic) fear of HIV infection. A lack of this fear makes sexual life richer, more varied and more enjoyable,” he explains in the material Minus Virus.

According to the clinical Protocol on HIV-infection, approved by the order of MOH KR # 903 from 10.10.2017 G., indications for PrEP use are:

  1. A negative HIV test result
  2. Sexual partner with HIV infection not receiving effective ART during the previous 6 months
  3. Sexually active people from groups with high HIV prevalence.

And any of the following factors:

  • Vaginal or anal sex without a condom more than one partner (coy),
  • Sex(-th) representative(-CA) with one or more risk factors for HIV infection
  • Laboratory-confirmed STI in anamnesis or a report on them, or syndromic treatment of STIs
  • The use of post-exposure prophylaxis
  • The request from the client (s) to receive DKP.

PrEP usually use during the risk period, but not forever. That is, it can be taken within a certain time, then stop and return to it when there is a risk of HIV transmission. Unlike ART, the PrEP drugs do not cause resistance in the body.

Currently, the PrEP drugs are not available in Kyrgyzstan. At this time, the Kyrgyz Indigo in partnership with local and international organizations promoting the availability of PrEP in the country. It is expected that in the near future representatives (boundary) LGBTIQ communities can receive it and adopt for better health.

PEP or post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV

We note that another innovative method of protection from HIV PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) available in Kyrgyzstan by order of the Ministry of health from 2013. He is free in the Republican AIDS centers and ambulances.

PEP should be taken after a risky sexual contact, also after the sexual violence and other contact with human fluids (blood, sperm, vaginal secrets) within the first 2 hours and no later than 72 hours after possible HIV exposure. Post-exposure prophylaxis must be taken for 28 days.

Permanent link to the article: http://indigo.kg/chto-takoe-prep-i-nuzhen-li-on-kyirgyizstantsam.html

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