The Republican AIDS center and the laboratory equipment

Республиканским центром "СПИД" получено лабораторное оборудование
Из России в Бишкек доставлено оборудование на сумму 683 572 рубля для лаборатории Республиканского Центра "СПИД". Об этом сообщает пресс-служба Министерства здравоохранения КР

From Russia to Bishkek delivered equipment in the amount of 683 572 of the ruble to the laboratory of the Republican Center "AIDS". About it reports a press-service of the Ministry of health of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The equipment is designed for retrofitting machine sequencing set 2 years ago in the framework of the intergovernmental agreement of the two States.

Also it is planned to supply test kits and consumables (1,400 studies) for the sequence in the framework of the project of the Russian Federation in the nearest time.

The possibility of this genetic analyzer Applied Biosystems 3500, allow to identify genetic damage (mutations) in DNA that cause many hereditary diseases, hereditary predisposition organism to study resistance to various drugs in the treatment of infections such as HIV, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, to identify tumor markers, etc.

In addition, you can define build-specific genetic map of the human genotype for different purposes: paternity, maternity establishment personal identification.

To master the methodology of research in the past year, Moscow hosted the training the physician assistant RC AIDS. In the future, a number of specialists will be trained in Almaty or Tashkent.

In the framework of the project of the Russian Federation in conducting research on the sequence provided by the on the job training of all professionals involved in the process.

In the near future will begin installation of equipment and after commissioning and adaptation of the RC AIDS will begin taking samples for research.


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