Information about malaria

Malaria (Italian for bad air) known to mankind since ancient times (2000 BC): the instructions on the epidemic fever, the flow is similar to malaria, found in ancient literary sources. Plasmodium – the malaria parasite isolated in 1880 by the French physician Laverana, and specific treatment of malaria Cinchona bark were first adopted in Peru in the 17th century. Despite the well-studied nature of the disease, the clinical picture, the presence of specific drugs for the treatment of malaria is still widespread and quite severe infection in many countries with tropical and subtropical climates (Africa, Southeast Asia, South America).

Much harder with a very high mortality malaria occurs in pregnant women. Children also suffer heavier infection than adults, especially under the age of 1 year. High infant mortality in severe endemic foci where malaria kills about 5% of children. Therefore, in 1955 the who adopted a resolution on the elimination of malaria worldwide.

How is the infection? The source of infection is a sick person or parasite, and vectors – mosquitoes of the genus mosquito: infection occurs through bites of infected female mosquitoes. It is also possible intrauterine infection through the placenta, during birth, through blood transfusion from donors-parasite or organ transplants.

How is malaria? Given the specific features of the malaria parasites of man and of the relevant differences in the clinical picture there are 4 forms of malaria: vivax, tropical, four-day and an oval-malaria. Regardless of the form of malaria, characterized by fever, the temperature reaches 39-40 degrees, and headache, thirst, vomiting, muscle pain, delirium and disturbances of consciousness.

The most pronounced changes in malaria observed in the blood (hemolytic anemia due to destruction of red blood cells), liver, spleen, Central nervous system.

How to protect yourself from malaria? Provide public and personal prophylaxis of malaria. Public prevention lies primarily in the detection and treatment of patients and parasite. At the same time should be vector control – mosquitoes of the genus mosquito and protection from their attacks. Personal prevention of malaria is to protect against mosquito bites (mosquito nets, use of repellents etc.) and chemoprophylaxis – use of drugs plazmidnykh.

Persons who move to countries affected by malaria, it is necessary to worry about personal prevention.

Be healthy!