A mass screening of children for tuberculosis was carried out in the Naryn region

В Нарынской области был проведен массовый скрининг детей на туберкулез
At the initiative of the Presidential Plenipotentiary Mission in the Naryn region, a mass screening of children for tuberculosis was carried out. This initiative was the result of the coordination established by the USAID project "Support for Tuberculosis patients" between stakeholders involved in the fight against tuberculosis in the region. Children who came into contact with people with tuberculosis, children from socially vulnerable families and migrant children were examined. A total of 3,825 children aged 4 to 12 years were screened. In 174 children, the Mantoux test showed a positive result. After that, additional X-ray examinations were carried out, and 7 children were diagnosed with tuberculosis. They are currently undergoing treatment at the National Center of Phthisiology in Bishkek. Nine children were prescribed preventive chemotherapy.

Read more about this and other news in the new issue of the bulletin of the USAID project "Support for Tuberculosis patients": https://www.doormedia.kg/bulletin-0122

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