On June 1, 2021, a meeting of the Sector for the Implementation of Expenditure Control was held

1 июня 2021 года состоялось заседание Сектора по осуществлению контроля за расходованием средств меж

1On June 2021, a meeting of the Sector for Monitoring the Expenditure of Funds of International and Donor Organizations, the implementation of programs and the results of their implementation of the CEP Committee was held, at which monitoring visits were discussed in the conditions of COVID-19 in the Kyrgyz Republic, information was heard on the dashboard indicators panel for the 2nd half of 2020 and a discussion of the terms of reference and the budget of an oversight expert who will be hired on the recommendation of the Global Fund. It was decided to make desk analyses within three months, the deadline is August 25, 2021, after which to determine when visits will be scheduled, organize departure schedules, identify those responsible for each direction.

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