The project "Support for tuberculosis patients" has trained mentors in Naryn and Jalal-Abad regions.

USAID «Кургак учукка чалдыккан бейтаптарды колдоо» долбоору Нарын жана Жалал-Абад облустарында менто
According to the results of a study conducted within the framework of the project "support for tuberculosis patients", it was found that TB patients may be stigmatized and discriminated against by employees. This was confirmed by both patients and their relatives.

Based on the results of the study, the project experts prepared a training course on the topic "Mentoring primary health care workers for greater promotion of the treatment of patients with TB."The training participants from Naryn and Jalal-Abad regions were selected among psychologists, social workers and local activists. The main task of trained mentors is to guide employees of medical organizations to reduce stigma and discrimination against TB patients. According to the information established by the mentors, appropriate recommendations will be made to improve interpersonal communication skills between TB patients and physicians.

You can read about this and other news in the information booklet of the project "support for tuberculosis patients": click here

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