TB-REP 2.0 helps countries to reduce the gap in the search for and treatment of all TB patients lost

TB-REP 2.0 помогает странам сократить разрыв в поиске и лечении всех упущенных больных туберкулезом

August 06-08, 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia, the PAS Center together with its partners in the implementation of the EECA Regional TB Project “Improving people-centered quality TB care - from a new model of care to improving the results of early detection and treatment of DR-TB ”(TB-REP 2.0) held a workshop for civil society organizations from 4 countries: Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. The aim of the workshop is to train civil society organizations in these countries on how to collect evidence on existing barriers to seeking care for people with TB that have not been identified by health services. As part of one of the project's objectives to strengthen case detection strategies, especially in key populations, TB-REP 2.0 is helping countries conduct TB assessments of gender, human rights and legal environment (LNG). The assessments will enable countries to determine how societal, legal and gender barriers affect access to prevention, treatment, care and support services.

The LNG assessments will be conducted by civil society partners in close collaboration with stakeholder groups and will be supported by a group of international experts. During the workshop, civil society organizations were introduced to the LNG assessment approach and practical tools developed by the Stop TB Partnership; each country team has developed an action plan to adapt and implement the tools in their country. With detailed guidance on how to conduct an LNG assessment, civil society organizations will be working in their countries over the next 5-6 months. The results achieved will help countries develop measures to address identified barriers and move towards a more human-centered, human rights-based and gender-sensitive response to TB, and ensure that TB services reach those populations that are currently excluded.
More details can be found on the PAS Center website

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