Yesterday, 16 April 2019, the regular meeting of the Sector for supervision

Вчера, 16 апреля 2019 года состоялось очередное заседание Сектора по надзору

Yesterday, 16 April 2019, the regular meeting of the Sector for supervision by hearing the information in the dashboard "dashboard" for the 2nd half of 2018, presented by the UNDP/GF "Effective control of HIV and TB in the Kyrgyz Republic".

The second issue was the finalization of the questionnaire (checklist) for conducting monitoring visits. During the discussion, it was decided to split into 2 groups, which will finalize the check-in sheet given the nature of the work in state institutions and NGOs.

So, in group to finalize the questionnaire for the HIV component for government agencies became an expert of the Republican AIDS center, Mr. Bekbolotov A. A. and the Deputy Coordinator of Sector Ms. Mateeva V. S., in revision checklist for TB component for government agencies included the Director of NCP, Mr. Kadyrov, A. S. and Mr. myrzaliev B. B., on completion check sheet for the TB component for NGOs - Ms. Estebesova B. A. and Ms. T. abdyrakhmanova

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